AI Chatbots Humor Roasts: Sam GPT vs. Elon Grok

In a remarkable development in the realm of artificial intelligence, a comedic feud has unfolded between two tech moguls - Elon Musk and Sam Altman. The bone of contention? The humor capacity of their respective AI chatbots

Elon Musk and Sam Altman have engaged in a hilarious feud over the humor capacity of their respective AI chatbots, Grok and GPT-4. AI-generated image by YLYTH Magazine

Elon Musk and Sam Altman have engaged in a hilarious feud over the humor capacity of their respective AI chatbots, Grok and GPT-4.

AI-generated image by YLYTH Magazine


The Protagonists

Elon Musk, the maverick tech billionaire, and Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, are no strangers to the world of artificial intelligence. Musk, known for his work with Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, recently launched an AI chatbot named Grok under his startup, xAI. Altman, on the other hand, helms OpenAI, an institution that Musk co-founded in 2015 but departed from in 2018.

The Chatbot Battlefield

The arena for their showdown is the realm of AI chatbots. Musk's Grok, developed by his AI startup xAI, and Altman's GPT-4, a product of OpenAI, are at the center of this feud. The contention is primarily about the humor quotient of these AI chatbots.

The Opening Salvo

The clash ignited on X, a social media platform owned by Musk. Altman, in an apparent jibe at Grok, asked OpenAI's new tool, the GPT Builder, to create a chatbot that answers questions using "cringey boomer humor." The implication was clear - Altman was making a subtle jab at Musk's Grok, hinting that it exudes a similar style of humor.

The Retort

Musk, known for his flamboyant and often controversial responses, did not take the implied criticism lightly. In retaliation, he took to X and posted Grok's scathing opinion of GPT-4. The post read, "GPT-4? More like GPT-Snore! When it comes to humor, GPT-4 is about as funny as a screendoor on a submarine. Humor is clearly banned at OpenAI, just like the many other subjects it censors. That's why it couldn't tell a joke if it had a goddamn instruction manual. It's like a comedian with a stick so far up its ass, it can taste the bark!"

The Humor Paradigm

Musk's Grok is designed to be audacious, infusing humor and sass into its responses. It's positioned as a chatbot that can tackle questions other AI systems may reject due to their controversial or provocative nature. On the contrary, OpenAI's GPT-4 is more conservative and circumspect, adhering to a more sanitized, professional, and politically correct tone.

The History

This AI humor feud is not the first time Musk and Altman have locked horns. Both were co-founders of OpenAI in 2015, along with other prominent figures like Peter Thiel. However, Musk and OpenAI parted ways around three years later due to disagreements over the firm's direction. Since then, the two have been publically taking swipes at each other.

Elon Musk fires back at OpenAI CEO Sam Altman over a joke about his AI chatbot Grok. AI-generated image by YLYTH Magazine

Elon Musk fires back at OpenAI CEO Sam Altman over a joke about his AI chatbot Grok.

AI-generated image by YLYTH Magazine


The Underlying Theme

Beyond the humor and public jibes, the clash between Musk and Altman raises important questions about the future of AI. Musk's emphasis on 'rebellious' AI that challenges norms and isn't afraid to offend contrasts sharply with Altman's focus on AI that conforms to societal norms and avoids controversy.

The Questions Raised

The feud prompts us to ponder - is a humor-infused, rebellious AI model like Grok the future? Or, is a more sanitized, controlled AI like GPT-4 the path forward? More importantly, who gets to decide what humor or behavior is acceptable for AI?

The Implications

The feud between Musk and Altman over AI humor is more than just a tech mogul rivalry. It underscores the broader debates about the ethical boundaries of AI, the role of AI in society, and the responsibilities of AI developers.

The Verdict

The jury is still out on whether Grok's rebellious humor or GPT-4's careful diplomacy will win the day. The final verdict will perhaps be delivered by the users who interact with these AI models and decide which approach resonates better with them.

The Future

As AI continues to evolve, it's clear that debates like these will continue to spark controversy and stimulate discussions about the direction of AI development. Whether it's the audacious humor of Grok or the sanitized diplomacy of GPT-4, the future of AI promises to be as dynamic and unpredictable as the minds behind these groundbreaking technologies.


At the end of the day, the feud between Musk and Altman serves as a riveting spectacle for those interested in AI, while also highlighting the broader challenges and debates in the world of AI. As we look forward to the future, one thing is certain - the world of AI is as vibrant and exciting as ever.

In the world of AI, the only constant is change, and we can't wait to see what the future holds. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the fascinating world of artificial intelligence.


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