10 Unbelievable Facts About the Human Brain

The human brain is the most complex organ in the known universe, and it still holds many mysteries. Here are 10 unbelievable facts about this amazing organ.

Veil of Thought by SaharAI Khattat. Ylyth Magazine AIPix. 2023.png


1. All The First Humans Lived in Africa

Among the entities known to us, the human brain stands as the pinnacle of complexity. It houses an astounding array of approximately 100 billion neurons, each intricately linked to as many as 10,000 other neurons. This intricate web of connections forms the foundation of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, weaving a complex tapestry that underpins the marvel of human cognition and consciousness.

2. The brain does not regenerate like other organs

The brain is often said to be the only organ in the body that does not regenerate. However, this is not entirely accurate. While the brain does not regenerate in the same way that other organs do, it is possible for new neurons to be created in certain areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus. This process is known as neurogenesis.

However, the brain is a unique entity among the body's organs in that it is highly sensitive to damage. Even minor injuries can profoundly affect a person's physical capabilities and cognitive functions. This heightened susceptibility necessitates careful protection and underscores the brain's vital role in shaping our overall well-being.

The brain's limited regeneration capabilities make it important to take steps to protect it from damage. This includes avoiding head injuries, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet. It is also important to keep the brain active by learning new things and challenging ourselves mentally.

3. The Human Brain Is Constantly Rewiring: Unveiling Neuroplasticity

The brain is constantly rewiring itself, a process known as neuroplasticity. This is a key factor in learning and memory. However, neuroplasticity is not unlimited. As we age, the brain becomes less plastic, and it becomes more difficult to learn new things or recover from injuries.

4. Human Brain Holds More Synapses Than All the Known Planets in the Solar System

The brain is often said to have 10 times more synapses than stars in the Milky Way. However, this statistic is not entirely accurate. The actual number of synapses in the brain is thought to be closer to 100 trillion, which is still an incredibly large number.

Synapses are the connections between neurons, and they are essential for communication and learning. The more synapses we have, the more complex our thoughts and behaviors can be.

The number of synapses in the brain is not fixed. It can change throughout our lives, depending on our experiences and environment. For example, when we learn something new, the number of synapses between the neurons involved in that learning increases.

The brain's plasticity, or ability to change, is essential for learning and memory. By taking steps to keep our brains active and engaged, we can help to maintain our cognitive health and well-being.

Dream of Reverie by SaharAI Khattat. Ylyth Magazine AIPix. 2023.png


5. Human Brain: The Most Energy-Intensive Organ in the Body

The brain is a tiny organ, making up only about 2% of the body's weight. However, it consumes around 20% of the body's energy. This makes it the most energy-intensive organ in the body relative to its size.

The brain is constantly active, even when we are asleep. It uses energy to process information, think, move, and feel. The brain's energy needs can vary depending on the person's age, activity level, and other factors. For example, the brain of a newborn baby consumes about 60% of the body's energy, while the brain of an adult asleep consumes about 15%.

The brain's energy-efficient design ensures optimal function and cognitive prowess. The brain is able to conserve energy by recycling unused chemicals and by shutting down unnecessary functions.

6. Neurons in the Human Brain Speak to Each Other

Neurons communicate through electrical impulses. The brain's synchronized neural firing creates electrical patterns detectable by electroencephalogram (EEG) devices, revealing the intricate symphony of thought processes.

7. The brain is about the size of a grapefruit, but it weighs about 3 pounds

The human brain, a truly extraordinary organ, surprises with its proportions. Despite being roughly the size of a grapefruit, its weight commands attention at about 3 pounds. This compact yet formidable powerhouse orchestrates an intricate symphony of thoughts, emotions, and actions that shape our existence. The brain's extraordinary capabilities are a testament to its efficient design, allowing us to navigate the complexities of the world with astonishing precision.

8. Human Brain's Storage Potential is Equivalent to About 14,705 Libraries of Congress

The astonishing capacity of the human brain for memory storage is estimated at around 2.5 petabytes of digital data, equivalent to approximately 14,705 Libraries of Congress. This vast capability is enough to potentially house about 2.5 billion digital books, considering an average book size of 1 megabyte. The Library of Congress, encompassing a rich collection of 170 million items, including books, manuscripts, and photographs, serves as a reference point. It's important to note that this approximation might fluctuate due to factors such as file formats and compression, underscoring the complexity of understanding the brain's remarkable memory mechanisms and boundaries.

9. The Brain is Made Up of About 73% Water

The human brain, a marvel of biological engineering, is predominantly composed of water. Surprisingly, approximately 73% of the brain's makeup consists of this essential liquid. This high water content is crucial for the brain's proper functioning, as it helps maintain the delicate balance of chemicals and electrical signals necessary for cognition, memory, and overall neural activity. This aqueous foundation underscores the vital interplay between hydration and brain health, emphasizing the importance of staying adequately hydrated for optimal mental functioning.

Mind Jungle by SaharAI Khattat. Ylyth Magazine AIPix. 2023.png


10. Humanity Still Doesn't Understand What Dreams Are

Dreams, those enigmatic phenomena of the night, remain an unsolved puzzle. Emerging during sleep, dreams intricately blend thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations. Ranging from fleeting fragments to vivid spectacles, they transport us to surreal realms. Often unfolding in the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, they mirror reality's vibrancy. This phase reveals heightened brain activity, rapid eye movements, and intensified physiological responses, showing our mind's activity during rest.

Dreams hold a rich tapestry of experiences—memories, desires, fears, fantasies, and daily encounters. Woven from thoughts, emotions, and experiences, they unveil our psyche. Dreams function as emotional processors, memory consolidators, creativity igniters, and even arenas for solving problems. They span from reflecting recent events to symbol-laden scenarios, sparking diverse interpretations.

Despite time's passage and persistent research, dreams' precise purpose and meaning evade us. Scientists and philosophers propose theories, from memory organization to emotional catharsis, yet a universally accepted explanation remains elusive. Our understanding, akin to dreams, evolves dynamically with each discovery.


The human brain is a truly remarkable organ. It is responsible for everything we do, from thinking and feeling to moving and breathing. It is also the most complex organ in the known universe, and it still holds many mysteries.

The 10 facts presented in this article are just a small sampling of the many amazing things that we know about the human brain. As scientists continue to study this incredible organ, we are sure to learn even more about its capabilities and mysteries.


SaharAI Khattat. Self Portrait. Ylyth Magazine AIPix. 2023.png

This article is illustrated with some AI:rt works from the "brAIn" collection by SaharAI Khattat, an enchanting and avant-garde AI:rtist hailing from the vibrant art scene of New York. Her work is featured prominently within the Ylyth Magazine AI:rt Gallery. Explore the entire "brAIn" collection exclusively on Ylyth


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